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Psoriasis, Eczema

Psoriasis and Eczema medicines from Japan
Japanese medicines for the treatment of psoriasis are widely known throughout the world. Japanese certified medicine for eczema and psoriasis affect both the root cause of the disease and its external effects and manifestations. But what is main reason for psoriasis disease and how to deal with it using contemporarily methods of treatment?
The nature of psoriasis in Japan today is considered primarily to be autoimmune. There are theories of metabolic failure, as well as the hypothesis of the viral nature of psoriasis. However, the autoimmune nature of the disease today is considered the most correct and reasonable medical theory among specialists. As a result of the malfunctioning of the body’s defence system, a metabolic malfunction occurs. It, in turn, leads to drastic changes on the skin and inside skin tissues. The hereditary factors causing this disease also attract attention of Japanese scientists during last decade.
Popular Japanese psoriasis medicine
Three certified medicines are widely used in Japan for the effective treatment of psoriasis today. One of these is placenta medicine, Laennec. It affects cellular metabolism, normalizing it and rejuvenating skin cells, so preventing them from metabolic failures. The other two medicines work mainly with symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. They affectskin manifestations of psoriasis, relieving irritation and conducting effective therapy of the affected areas on patient's skin.
- Laennec has a healing effect on the skin level, normalizing the function of the immune system.
- Locoid medicine is used to relieve irritation, inflammation and accelerated wound healing.
- Rinderon ointment has a double effect: it suppresses all types of inflammation, and also contains antibiotics that heal the skin and prevent the spread of infection.
Japanese medicine for the treatment of psoriasis help to deal with the symptoms of this disease in the short term. Revitalizing complex medicines, such as Laennec and vitamin D in high concentrations, help to restore normal metabolism and effectively reduce the external and internal symptoms of psoriasis in the long term. You may be also interested in the following related article from our blog:
Clinical trials of Laennec: effects and contraindications