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Skin whitening
Skin whitening in Japan
In order to get rid of the unwanted pigmentation, people try various methods and medications. Some of them may be extremely dangerous, like mercury-based methods. Since in Japan fair skin without pigment spot has been always considered one of the most essential beauty components, Japanese specialists developed effective and safe medicines for skin bleaching.
At first, we would like to recommend you really safe and working method, that doesn’t lead to skin irritation or excessive bleaching of some spots. That is inhibiting pigmentation from the inside. An enzyme called tyrosinase catalyzes melanogenesis (the production of melanin) at the first stage. That’s why by inhibiting tyrosinase it is possible to reduce significantly the production of the melanin in the skin. Transino White C tablets contain amino acid called L-cysteine that has an ability to inhibit tyrosinase production. The tablets are completely safe when taken under the right dosage and can be used even during the pregnancy. Vitamins C, B2, B6 and E also improve the complexion.
Another effective way to reduce particular pigment spots is using hydroquinone. This topical treatment should be applied only to the pigmented area that needs to be lighten. In other words, one cannot use it all over the face, just to the desired spots. Also using hydroquinone demands using strong sunscreen every day. And one more important point is that hydroquinone better suits moderately fair skin with some pigment spots than the tanned skin.
For persons with more tanned skin tone we would like to recommend Melsmon Bright Up Essence. This beauty essence contains unique combination of placenta extract, collagen and yeast extract that brighten up the skin by enhancing its natural maintenance. The essence is absolutely safe and can be used even for very sensitive skin.
Overall, we would like to caution that excessive skin bleaching might cause irritation, white spots, dryness and other unwanted side effects. The most effective way to maintain a healthy complexion is:
- using the sunscreen whenever you go outside,
- exfoliating the skin from the dead cells once a week,
- using mild but effective skin cleansers every day,
- moisturizing the skin sufficiently.