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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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Home Disorders



Tuberculosis. Overview

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease typically caused by small aerobic bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There are several other mycobacteria that can cause this disease but they are quite rare. Some of them are spread only in certain areas in Africa, one of species is observed almost only in immunodeficient people.

In 80-85% of cases tuberculosis occurs in the lungs, being called pulmonary tuberculosis. But it can also occur in other parts of the body, including pleura, the central nervous system, the lymphatic system, the genitourinary system, the bones and joints. This type of disease is called extrapulmonary tuberculosis, it typically occurs in immunosuppressed patients and young children (M. P. Golden, H. R. Vikram. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: an overview. American Family Physician. 2005, November, 72 (9): 1761–68).

Tuberculosis medication methods

There are many cases of latent tuberculosis infection, when a person is infected by mycobacteria but does not develop active form of disease. People with latent tuberculosis are non-contagious, however, these people have a big risk of progressing into active form. In active form, Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria fights with the host’s immune cells, eventually kills them and results in death of the host in 50% of cases when left untreated.

More than 90% of children in developed countries are vaccinated by Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine. It significantly decreases the risk of getting infected. But after about ten years immunity starts to decrease and the vaccine does not guarantee a life-long protection.

Symptoms of tuberculosis

Active form of pulmonary tuberculosis:

  • chronic cough
  • cough with blood-containing mucus,
  • chest pain,
  • fatigue,
  • fever,
  • chills,
  • night sweats,
  • poor appetite,
  • weight loss
  • nail clubbing.

Latent form of tuberculosis:

Unfortunately, there are almost no symptoms showing the person got infected with mycobacteria unless laboratory tests are provided. Screening with tuberculin skin tests or interferon-gamma tests can help to detect the disease at an earlier stage.

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis:

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis can cause various symptoms depending on location of the disease. Gastrointestinal symptoms, fever, weakness and poor appetite are the most common. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis can coexist with a pulmonary form.

Causes of tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is spread by the persons with the disease in active form speaking, singing, coughing, sneezing or spitting. The disease is highly contagious, inhaling less than 10 bacteria is enough to get infected. The risk is particularly high for people who have prolonged, close or frequent contact with patients with active form. The risk also depends on several factors, such as: the frequency and the duration of the exposure, the virulence of the particular mycobacteria strain, the effectiveness of the ventilation and others. Smoking and having low level of immunity also increase the risk (patients with HIV or AIDS are highly likely to get infected).

Tuberculosis Treatment Methods

Unfortunately, at current moment, there is no 100% cure for tuberculosis. First step to the treatment is a timely diagnostic, especially for people in the risk group. Mycobacteria has a very unusual structure and chemical composition of the cell wall, that make many of the antibiotics ineffective. Also, mycobacteria have an ability to develop the antibiotic resistance. That’s why the treatment usually consists of several antibiotics combined together and used from 3 to 9 months for active form of tuberculosis. These antibiotics include:

  • isoniazid,
  • rifampicin/rifampin,
  • pyrazinamide,
  • ethambutol,
  • streptomycin or kanamycin.

For latent form of tuberculosis most of specialists recommend a treatment course of isoniazid and regular screening in order to prevent developing an active form.

Ebutol tablets 250 mg for tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis
General information on Japanese Ebutol tablets 250 mg for tuberculosis and mycobacteriosis Pa..
USD 59.00
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Iscotin tablets 100 mg for tuberculosis
General information on Japanese Iscotin tablets 100 mg for tuberculosis Package details: 100 ..
USD 35.00
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Kanamycin sulfate injections 1000 mg (antibiotic injections)
General information on Japanese Kanamycin sulfate injections 1000 mg (antibiotic injections) ..
USD 109.00
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Levofloxacin intravenous infusion 500 mg for bacterial infections
General information on Levofloxacin intravenous infusion 500 mg for bacterial infections Pack..
USD 539.00
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Levofloxacin tablets 500 mg for bacterial infections
General information on Levofloxacin 500 mg for bacterial infections Package details: 100 tabl..
USD 119.00
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New Year Holidays 2024 / 2025

Please pay attention that due to local holidays in Japan (End of Year holidays – Dec 27th to Jan 5th) we shall operate as follows:   ORDER ACCEPTANCE   We stop accepting orders during holidays from Dec 26th to Jan 3rd. Website will not allow orders, please order on Jan 3rd, evening (Japanese time)  No suppliers will operate this week so changes in shipping time / price / product availability are possible. Product may become unavailable as well. Please pay attention: orders paid after Dec 15th may be shipped after Jan 6th because Japan Post and courier services will not operate during Holidays. If you pay before we are 99% likely to ship before holidays. If you pay after make sure you can wait as delays are possible due to end of year holidays. Some suppliers stop working before Dec 26th, please pay attention!   SUPPORT TEAM and PAYMENT CONFIRMATIONS   Will not work on Dec 31st , Jan 1st   Jan 2nd - No email of any urgency will be replied. Thank you for understanding. Do not send sseveral emails during this period. We shall resume support work on Jan 3rd, but we may need time to reply. We shall continue to work as usual starting Jan 6th. Pay attention that payments may be affected by your local holidays in your country / country of payment systems (during Christmas holidays and New Year holidays).   SHIPIPNG - DELAYS till January 10th.   We stop shipping all orders from Dec 28th to Jan 6th. Japan Post and courtier services will not work during this period so there are possible delays for some orders (mainly injections and some tablets) paid after Dec 15th   We shall resume normal work from Monday 6th.
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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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