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Insomnia: overview.
About 10-30% of adults suffer from various sleep disorders. Insomnia, or sleeplessness includes both inability to get asleep fast and inability to stay asleep without wake ups. During the daytime many patients have such symptoms as sleepiness, apathy, lack of concentration, depressive thoughts, unstable mood, headaches, low energy and irritability. While many doctors state that transit insomnia that lasts less than a week doesn’t require any specific treatment, acute insomnia that lasts more than 1 week and chronic insomnia that lasts more than 1 month significantly increase the risk of mental health disorders, cardiovascular diseases, asthma attacks, inflammations and many other diseases (S. Javaheri, S. Redline. Insomnia and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease // Chest, 2017, August, 152(2): 435–444).
Why can’t I sleep?
There are multiple reasons that provoke insomnia, including yet unstudied mechanisms. The most common sleeplessness reasons are the following:
- jet lag,
- stress,
- irregular sleep-wake cycle,
- long-term alcohol intake,
- excessive use of caffeine,
- excessive blue light exposure,
- wrong use of sedative, antidepressant and sleeping drugs,
- hormone shift caused by menstruation period or menopause in women,
- pain or injury,
- mental disorders, including dementia, ADHD, schizophrenia etc.,
- medical conditions, including asthma, cancer, restless leg syndrome etc.
If the insomnia lasts for a while and affects your everyday life, you should visit a doctor to find out the reason of insomnia and to find the effective treatment for the sleeplessness.
Is there an Effective treatment for Insomnia
In general, the treatment methods for insomnia can be divided into non-medication based and medication-based. Specialists recommend to start from the non-medication strategies. Improve your sleep hygiene, use relaxation techniques, try behavioral therapy or bright light therapy – and there are good chances that your sleep quality will improve soon.
However, when the non-medication methods turned out not to be effective, there are multiple medications that are helpful for the sleep disorders. Japanese medicines for insomnia are effective and tasted for the safety before the official certification. We can recommend the following sleeping medications from Japan:
- Glycine Happy Morning for reducing anxiety and promoting sleep onset,
- Yokukansan for improving mood state and sleep quality, suitable for children over 3 months old,
- Dragon calmness powder for reducing stress and hypersensitivity, suitable for children over 1 year old,
- GABA for improving mood disorders, ADHD symptoms and recuing stress,
- Deep Sleep R+ (ALA) for improving sleep quality via 6-week course without addiction,
- Doriell for reducing stress and normalizing melatonin synthesis,
- Coreminal tablets for treating depression symptoms, psychosomatic disorders and sleep disorders,
- Belsomra tablets for inhibiting wake neurotransmitter, getting asleep faster and sleep longer.
Please always carefully read the instructions, contraindications and precautions and strictly follow the dosage.