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Fucoidan from Japan: mechanism of action and function.
Fucoidan is one of the most popular medicines in Japan for supporting medication and treatment of oncology, as well as the most popular method of preventing oncology today. . The Library of the United States National Medical Institute contains more than 1,700 references to the benefits of fucoidan. This medicine has the following proven therapeutic functions:
- Antibacterial effect
- Normalization of the digestive tract and microflora.
- Increasing blood flow and increased renal function (cleansing function).
- General increase in immunity (increase in amount of white blood cells).
- Anti-oncological effect (suppression of growth of tumors).
Fucoidan from Japan is widely used to support cancer patients, as well as to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy. However, why is this drug so effective? Let's try to answer this question, as well as understand how not to make a wrong choice.
Is fucoidan effective in treating of oncology?
The effects of fucoidan, as well as its wide scope of use, speak for themselves. In Japan, a number of universities conducted studies proving the effectiveness of fucoidan in medical universities. This medicine’s protein structures’ specific mechanisms cause apoptosis (dying of cells) of malignant tumors, and the growth of new ones slows down. Fucidan is quite effective, but you should remember about contraindications, as well as the fact that self-treatment in the case of oncology is not allowed. Fucoidan is a very effective support and prevention of cancer. Using it as main medicine is possible only in extreme cases. More information about the effectiveness of fucoidan and application of this medicine you can read here.