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Farom 200 mg (Antibiotic, Faromu) - 100 tablets
Product Code :
Availability : 9
USD 299.90
General information about the Farom antibiotic 200 mg from Japan
Package details: 100 tablets.
Manufacturer: Maruho Pharmaceuticals.
Active ingredient: Faropenem sodium hydrate (chemical formula C12H14NNaO5S * 21 / 2H2O)
Application and dosage: you can find general information and recommendations below.
- in case of pneumonia, lung abscess, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis (acute, chronic), epididymis, otitis media, sinusitis, apply in the following dosage. For adults, take 200-300 mg (1-1.5 tablets) at a time, three times a day.
- for skin infection, tonsillitis, intrauterine infection, bronchitis: adults should take 150-200 mg (3/4 - 1 tablet) at a time three times a day.
- this medicine contains 200 mg of active substance in one tablet. Dosage may be adjusted depending on the disease, age or symptoms. Be sure to follow the instructions while taking it.
- if for any reason you miss a dose, take the dose as soon as you remember about it. However, if the time of next dose is approaching, just continue with your regular schedule taking only next dose. Never take double dose.
- If you accidentally take too many pills, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Do not stop taking this medicine if your doctor does not give you directions.
Japan medicine registration code: 20900AMZ00327000.
Side effects and precautions: The most common side effects observed in clinical trials in 1 - 2% of cases include diarrhea, abdominal pain, loose stools, rash, nausea, itching, urticaria, fever, redness and erythema. If you notice these symptoms, consult your doctor or pharmacist. You can not take pregnant. Take with caution to older persons.
Scope, interactions and clinical studies of the Farom antibiotic 200 mg.
Scope of antibiotic Farom from Japan:
- Sore throat
- Otitis externa
- Secondary infection after injury
- Sinusitis of all types
- Keratitis
- Corneal ulcer
- Acute bronchitis
- Laryngitis
- Perianal abscess
- Intrauterine infection
- Purulent acne inflammation
- Gum disease
- Uterine adnexitis
- Inflammation of periodontal tissues
- Secondary surgical wound infection
- Pyelonephritis
- Otitis media
- Mastitis
- Secondary burn infection
- Pneumonia
- Lung abscess
- Sty
- Bartholin Adenitis
- Sinusitis
- Tonsillitis
- Cystitis
- Tarsal gland inflammation
- Chronic pyoderma
- Lymphangitis
- Lymphadenitis
- Lacrimal cystitis
- Epididymitis
- Deep skin infection
- Superficial skin infection
- Prostatitis (acute and chronic).
The interaction of medicines with the active components Farom antibiotic:
Farom 200 mg medicine from Japan passed serious clinical trials as a result of which the mechanisms of its interaction with other drugs were revealed. In the case of complex treatment involving other medicines, it is necessary to pay attention to it’s interaction with other medicines. The interaction with the following three medicines (their active components) is proven and verified:
- Furosemide: increases the nephrotoxicity of this antibiotic when taken together.
- Imipenem / cilastatin: increases the concentration of the active component of this medicine in the blood.
- Valproic acid: reduces the concentration of Farom in the blood of patient.
Clinical studies of Farom’s effectiveness..
Farom was subject to numerous clinical studies before approval and is mentioned in a large number of specialized scientific medical studies and dissertations. The following is an incomplete list of key studies on this medicine and its effects:
- Kanai, et al.: Pharmacology and treatment, 25 (9), 2343 (1997)
- Sugiyama, K. et al.: Chemotherapy, 42 (S-1), 101 (1994)
- Masaharu Okamoto et al.: Pharmacology and Treatment, 26 (1), 13 (1998)
- Mitsuyoshi Nakajima et al.: Chemotherapy, 41 (12), 1277 (1993)
- Baba Yukichi et al.: Otolaryngology and clinical practice, 40 (3), 479 (1994)
Farom 200 mg is widely used as universal antibiotics in Japan for more than 20 years. It is used to treat a wide range of diseases effectively and in short time. Be sure to pay attention to contraindications and precautions before starting using this medicine and do not forget to consult doctor.