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Activated Yeast extract for 1 month (weight loss, diet pills)
Product Code :
Availability : 10
USD 78.00
General information on Activated Yeast extract
Manufacturer: Natural Labo Co Ltd, Japan
Active Ingredients: activated yeast (26 basic varieties).
Dosage and Administration: 1 tablet per day.
Precautions and contraindications: keep out of reach of children in cool dry place, avoiding sunligh.
This supplement is a 2019 year bestseller in Japan.
You have physical activity, you limit food intake, but you can not lose weight? Why?
Ask yourself this question. Many people lack in willpower. But others have the strength and desire to change themselves and their lives. You go to gym or regularly attend fitness center. You follow the diet and eat properly. But there's no effect. Why? 10 years ago, you ate what you wanted and when you wanted, and was not getting fat. What has changed?
Typical answer nutritionists give to this question says: "the metabolic rate in the body decreases with age." But it is not correct, at least not completely correct. Recent studies have found that metabolism changes with age, but not much. This happens only in old age, when the mass of muscular tissue decreases. Usually this does not happen till 60-70 years. In 2018, researchers at Tokyo University made a hypothesis about the causes of weight gain with age. According to them, the main reason is the content of yeast in our intestines. Their concentration decreases with age continuously (source: Journal of pancreatology, 3 (1998) 497-502 PAN0013.). But why? And why does the general metabolism falls because of this?
Unstable rhythm of life, lack of healthy food, bad ecology, stress. Vicious circle.
The reason for the decrease in the content of yeast cultures in the intestines is ambiguous. One may speak about the deterioration of the environment, the other about the acceleration of the pace of life and the increasing daily stress, and another scientist shall blame radio waves and radiation. But the problem and ultimate result do not change. You fall into a vicious circle:
- you lifestyle becomes unstable
- you get the lack of healthy food
- you get the lack of nutrients and energy
- you do not have power to do sport
- stress conditions gets worse
- you loose to bad ecology
- and everything in your everyday life gets even worse.
The body rhythm becomes unstable. Body lacks nutrients, and normal functions are disturbed, the gastrointestinal metabolism slows down in an attempt to protect itself from stress.
Yeast cultures living in the intestines are particularly vulnerable to such changes. They are mainly responsible for the metabolism of the entire digestive tract. Replenishing them is not so easy, because only yeast that is not processed at temperatures above 48 degrees is suitable for this task. And finding them is not easy. Or rather, taking them from ordinary food is simply impossible. And this is the answer to main question about constantly decreasing metabolism. With age, the number of yeast cultures is reduced, and the replenishment of stocks from the outside is very, very difficult.
What to do? How to compensate lack of yeast culture to reactivate the metabolism of the digestive tract?
An innovative solution in the form of activated yeast will help you solve this problem. It will also help to lose weight by speeding up your metabolism. This supplement contains 26 types of yeast, from 26 unique legumes and cereals, prepared and processed in a special way at a temperature not reaching 48 degrees (if temperature is higher, they simply die). The variety of the composition of this medication is simply amazing - in everyday life it is impossible to take so many different yeasts at one time. Activated yeast supplement is made in Japan from organic products only.
But this is not all, in addition to the 26 basic types of legume-cereal crops, 223 more plant yeasts obtained from fruits, tropical fruits and organic vegetables produced in Japan are included in this supplement. These components will balance the gastrointestinal microflora in a short time. You will get the maximum effect on your metabolism, which none of the other existing dietic supplements can guarantee you with.
Where are the guarantees? How do I know if supplement will be effective for me?
Yes, most manufacturers hide behind vague words like “the effect may vary” or “there may be individual difference in the results”. But the manufacturer of this supplement ensures that the effect will be obvious - you will stop gaining weight and after a 2-3 month course you will be able to lose weight by limiting yourself no more than usual. Behave yourself as always, and you will lose weight by 5, 6 or even 7 kilograms in a 2-3 month course. According to the manufacturer, the percentage of repeaters is almost 94%, the effect will be guaranteed for all and every buyer.
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