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Blood Pressure & Cholesterol



Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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Home Drugs and Supplements Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Ferrite Necklace - Reduces blood pressure (50 cm, magnetic field 150 mT)
Ferrite Necklace - Reduces blood pressure (50 cm, magnetic field 150 mT)
Brand Japan Bioproducts
Product Code FN01
Availability 19
Price USD 39.90
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Ferrite Necklace - Reduces blood pressure (50 cm, magnetic field 150 mT)

Brand : Japan Bioproducts

Product Code : FN01

Availability : 19

USD 39.90

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General effects of Ferrite Necklace

Anti-blood pressure necklace, black color - 50 cm. Japan.

Officialy certified in Japan as a medical tools. License number is 22100BZX00322000. 100% safe and effective! Original Japanese product.

Medical effect:  reduces blood pressure, speeds up blood circulation

Weight: 50 g. Made n japan.

"Eternal Magnets" are used, manet effect lasts forever.

Warning, please pa attention to the following precautions and contraindications:
  • not recommended for people with malignant tumors
  • not recommended for people with heart implants
  • avoid contact with electronics
  • avoid contact with magnetic cards and memory cards.

Ferrite Necklace from Japan: How does it work?

Principle of medical effect: There are many potential causes of headaches. However, the main cause of headache if we take a modern person (in about 80 to 90% of cases) are specific factors such as stress, muscle spasms, muscle tension, and related problems in blood circulation. Headache occurs due to long workhours, stress and enldess tension in our society. Muscles and muscle film get numb, disrupting the flow of blood in the cervical area and the brain. Weather sensitivity intensifies these symptoms, making people sensitive to even the most minor changes in the weather and causing headaches due to vasospasms and insufficient blood supply almost every day.
This ferrite necklace contains superstrong magnets that have a fairly simple and scientifically proven effect. Magnetic necklaces from Japan improve the blood supply to the neck area, ensuring restoration and normalization of blood flow to the head and neck. Due to the restoration of blood supply to the muscles, they receive adequate nutrition, relax and spasms quickly disappear. A ferrite necklace from Japan is not a panacea or a miracle, not at all. This medical gadget is based on a fairly simple and, at the same time, effective mechanism - the effect of magnetic fields. Long-term studies calculated the most effective values ​​of weak fields (150 mT), which helps to restore blood supply to the muscles and, indirectly, to the brain, eliminating the most common cause of pain.
If you use a magnetic necklace from Japan all the time, without removing it, normalization of the blood flow under the influence of magnetic fields occurs in 2-3 days. A related effect is the normalization of pressure during the long wearing of a magnetic necklace. You can order a ferrite necklace from Japan today.
You may also be interested to check: Korihogs for Stiff shoulders and Shoulder Pain with fast effect.
Kevin | 8 reviews
As hard to believe as it is, this necklace is very effective. 5 stars.
Kim | 8 reviews
i wasnt sure how much is 50 cm. i thought it would be just you know normal neck sizze but it is not. the necklace is very very small. i gave it to my stepdaughter she likes it. she told me it s very effective. do you have a normal size for 50 yo?
Evie | 8 reviews
I think it somewhat works, less headache when the weather starts changing.
Lincoln | 8 reviews
I think this little necklace really works. better buy this than painkillers.
Arlo | 8 reviews
It works and doesn't look strange. Looks OK on both male & female.

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New Year Holidays 2024 / 2025

Please pay attention that due to local holidays in Japan (End of Year holidays – Dec 27th to Jan 5th) we shall operate as follows:   ORDER ACCEPTANCE   We stop accepting orders during holidays from Dec 26th to Jan 3rd. Website will not allow orders, please order on Jan 3rd, evening (Japanese time)  No suppliers will operate this week so changes in shipping time / price / product availability are possible. Product may become unavailable as well. Please pay attention: orders paid after Dec 15th may be shipped after Jan 6th because Japan Post and courier services will not operate during Holidays. If you pay before we are 99% likely to ship before holidays. If you pay after make sure you can wait as delays are possible due to end of year holidays. Some suppliers stop working before Dec 26th, please pay attention!   SUPPORT TEAM and PAYMENT CONFIRMATIONS   Will not work on Dec 31st , Jan 1st   Jan 2nd - No email of any urgency will be replied. Thank you for understanding. Do not send sseveral emails during this period. We shall resume support work on Jan 3rd, but we may need time to reply. We shall continue to work as usual starting Jan 6th. Pay attention that payments may be affected by your local holidays in your country / country of payment systems (during Christmas holidays and New Year holidays).   SHIPIPNG - DELAYS till January 10th.   We stop shipping all orders from Dec 28th to Jan 6th. Japan Post and courtier services will not work during this period so there are possible delays for some orders (mainly injections and some tablets) paid after Dec 15th   We shall resume normal work from Monday 6th.
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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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