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Japanese Eye Drops



Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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Home Drugs and Supplements Japanese Eye Drops
Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement from Japan
Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement from Japan
Product Code Farsightedness
Availability 11
Price USD 29.00
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Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement from Japan

Product Code : Farsightedness

Availability : 11

USD 29.00

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General information about Japanese FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement

Package: 60 tablets for 30 days

Manufacturer: FANCL Corporation, Japan.

Active ingredient: lutein, astaxanthin, cyanidin 3-glucoside, DHA

Medical effect: FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement is effective for:

  • improving the ability to focus for close vision,
  • clearing blurred vision,
  • alleviating age-associated farsightedness (hyperopia),
  • increasing eye contrast sensitivity,
  • protecting eyes from blue light.

Contraindications and precautions:

Do not use in children, pregnant or breastfeeding woman. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using the product.

Dosage and Administration of FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement from Japan

Take 2 tablets a day with water at any time.

How effective is Japanese FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement for senior people?

FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement is effective for treatment of age-associated farsightedness (hyperopia). It improves eye contrast sensitivity, thus, clearing the blurred vision. Furthermore, it helps to restore the ability to focus for the close vision.

How does it work? FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement contains lutein, a carotenoid that is highly effective for treating age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataract (S. Buscemi, D. Corleo et al. “The Effect of Lutein on Eye and Extra-Eye Health”. Nutrients. 2018 Sep; 10(9): 1321). Cyanidin 3-glucoside from blueberry extract protects against photooxidative processes in retina (Y. Wang, H. J. Kim, J. R. Sparrow. “Quercetin and cyanidin-3-glucoside protect against photooxidation and photodegradation of A2E in retinal pigment epithelial cells”. Experimental Eye research, 2017 Jul; 160: 45–55). Astaxanthin is one of a few nutrients able to cross the blood brain/eye barrier. It protects aging eyes against cell damage related to increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma) and vision-damaging effects of wet macular degeneration. DHA, in its turn, decreases the rate of progression to advanced forms of macular degeneration, slows the progression of retinal vein and artery occlusion, decreases the rate of cataract surgery.

Japanese FANCL Farsightedness (hyperopia) supplement does not contain any artificial colorant or flavoring. It has a relatively short expiration period and should be used immediately after opening the package since FANCL supplements from Japan use active forms of nutrients and no preservatives.

Isaac | 3 reviews
Doesn't bring the time back but truly stops the progress of hyperopia
Ayla | 3 reviews
I had myopia since early childhood but few months ago I started noticing that things near my hands aren't that clear as they used to be. I chose to support my eyes with Japanese supplement and I think my sight has improved, now I'm just as short-sighted as I always was.
Candice | 3 reviews
I almost stopped wearing glasses! Must try for people after 45.

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Great product, original Japanese Lactis EL027826792JP
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Good effect. I shall order again. Original made-in-japan package as promised EG401137451JP
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Real Japanese laennec. Thank you! I shall order again. EJ377189782JP
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Great effect! Got my hair back in 3 months. EG401137588JP
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Lost 3 kilos since started to drink it last month. Great for fitness EG299855913JP
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Bought it for my son. Good effect and great service. EG299855961JP
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Original touchi, fast delivery and good price. Thank you. EG401137156JP
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Good medicine. Think it really helps me to fight cancer. EL025661542JP
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3 times cheaper than in our country! And great effect for knees EJ365886698JP
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Great thing to support diet. Lost 4 kilos for 6 weeks. Shall order more EJ365886675JP
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