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New Year Holidays 2024 / 2025
Active ingridient: shiitake extract
Package details: 90 tablets / 300 mg
Dosage: 3 tablets per day after meal.
Precautions: allergy reactions may occur.
What is AHCC extract?
Japanese scientist have combined extract of certain exotic mushrooms (shiitake) and formulated in to a brand new medicine called Hexose Cerate. It's now an accepted cancer treatment in more that 700 hospitals and clinics in Japan. AHCC is effective to improve general immunity. AHCC was developed by Amino Up Chemical Co., LTD Dr. Toshihiko Okamoto in 1989. AHCC Glucans are saccharides, of which some are known to have strong immune stimulating effects. The proved effect of medicine include:
- general improvement of immunity
- effective support for oncology treatment
- immunity system cells' reactivation
- general revitalizing effect
- detox effect.
Is AHCC effective medicine?
In Japan, AHCC is at the moment second popular complementary medicine advised by doctors to cancer patients. King Agaricus is the most popular supplement for such cases. AHCC has strong immune stimulating and anti inflammation effects proved in numerous studies in Tokyo University. Numerous studies by Shuhui Wang and Dr. Hernan Aviles of AHCC proved general effects of Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC). These information and studies prove general effects and show wide practical application of this medicine.
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