Curacen application Protocol
First, makeup removal and skin cleansing with chlorohydroxydine are performed.
Then, the drug is administered intradermally with the formation of a large papule and subsequent pressing with a slight kneading.
Distribution of the remaining drug into other more problematic areas in “papular” or “linear” techniques.
Nano-needles are used for the injection of the drug, which ensures minimal trauma when the drug is administered. As a result, the procedure is less painful and much easier to tolerate.
With a low pain threshold, preliminary anesthesia is possible, but this can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. The duration of the procedure is about 45 minutes.
Recommended Course:
From 3 procedures to 5 procedures, depending on the age and severity of the problems, once every 7-10 days.
Repeating the course of therapy twice a year.