Herpes: features and treatment.
Herpes: features and treatment.
Herpes is a specific viral skin disease. It is characterized by rashes of small vesicles primarily on the skin, as well as on the mucous membranes. In general, the disease is not severe, but in extreme cases it may lead even to encephalitis and meningitis. This virus has not been studied well enough and for a long time it was considered impossible to completely recover from it (WHO indicates this viruses’ lifelong character). However, recently in Japan, an innovative medicine was developed that allows you to cure herpes, though it requires to undergo full course in compliance with dosage directions. But lets start from the beginning, so what is herpes?
Herpes: main features and pathogenesis.
Herpes is a viral disease transmitted by the oral or sexual means. In various modern medical sources, there are up to eight types of this virus mentioned. Each type is characterized either by the region of its manifestation (for example, skin, genital etc), or by the symptoms or diseases that it provokes / causes. Herpes is transmitted from person to person quite simply (after physical contact and even by air), but certain conditions are necessary for it to manifest itself. The simplest and ьщые necessary condition is a decrease in immunity (for more details about the latest Japanese development of LPS Immunity Vitamins follow this link).
In the case of significant weakening of the immunity, it may cause chickenpox, even in those who have once been ill, shingles, infectious mononucleosis and a number of other unpleasant diseases. According to some reports, herpes virus is one of the reasons (if not the main reason) for the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Herpes virus significantly increases the risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases, including HIV. Moreover, according to recent studies, the presence of herpes virus seriously increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease as well.
The main approaches to the treatment of herpes virus.
For a long time scientists thought it was impossible to cure herpes virus completely. Partially, this statement is correct. Here are the main reasons why it is so difficult to treat herpes virus:
- Firstly, the virus is embedded in the human genetic structure and it is quite difficult to stop it’s functions on genetic code level completely in most of situations.
- Secondly, herpes virus is extremely widespread, more than 11% of the global adult population or more than 400 million people are infected with genital herpes, which makes the risk of re-infection and relapse extremely high.
- Thirdly, the mechanisms of the genetic interaction of viruses and human DNA are not well understood even today, therefore, there are problems with the diagnosis of recovery and remission.
But in Japan there is the Amenalief medicine, which systematically dismantles the genetic material of the virus in your body when completing the full course. Amenalief tablets inhibit the proliferation of the virus by abruptly suppressing the activity of the helicase-primase complex. It, in turn, is a necessary factor for viral DNA replication. Thus, the replication (reproduction) of the virus becomes impossible. And the genetic material of the virus is gradually erased from the human body, helping to achieve complete remission in fairly short time. Professor of Medicine Kusawake. T. and Kawashima. M. conducted a number of fundamental scientific studies that prove the high effectiveness of Amenalief medicine for the treatment of herpes virus.
Remember, the herpes virus itself is quite harmless. Problems begin with a serious weakening of the immune system, with the development of severe fatigue, as well as with infection by other diseases. In such a situation, this virus can have an extremely negative effect and provoke serious diseases, and even severe meningitis. Do not let the disease drift. Consult specialists and use innovative treatments for treating herpes, taking necessary precautions and following directions.