Dementia: features and methods of its prevention.
Dementia, or senile dementia, is a disorder in the functioning of brain caused by a breakdown in neural connections. Usually it takes place at old age, but due to changes in the pace of life, ecology and the daily growing amount of information, there are cases of dementia at as early as 40 or 50 years. But what is dementia and why is it so dangerous?
What are basic features of Dementia?
Dementia has a number of symptoms that often appear together, and sometimes in turns, gradually - one by one. If your relatives and friends show the five signs described below, this is a sufficient reason to think about a serious diagnosis by a specialist:
- Dementia is primarily distinguished by a decrease in concentration, an inability to concentrate, no matter how long, on the current task.
- Memory deteriorates, diachronic disturbances of memories appear - a person can remember what was 50 years ago, but not remember where he lives and how to return home.
- There are violations with orientation in space - a person loses direction and forgets where everything is.
- A number of depressive states develop, and the emotional background becomes extremely unstable.
- With dementia, outbreaks of anger are frequent, alternating with complete apathy after a few minutes or even faster.
What is terrible about dementia? What are its medical conditions?
A person suffering from dementia is not only unable to concentrate for a long time on one task. He can take the train and leave for an unknown destination, forgetting his home address and even his name. He can lose touch with reality, and go on the highway directly under the car. He may stop recognizing his relatives and cause a fire in his apartment, forgetting to turn off the heater or throw a towel on the included stove. In the end, a person will no longer be able to maintain himself and will have to be kept under constant supervision. You can say that it is only the old who survive out of the mind. It used to be so, but the world is changing too fast. Alzheimer's disease, which is adjacent to dementia, is already recorded in twenties. There are many hypotheses of such drastic changes - most often doctors refer to disproportionately rapidly growing volumes of information and pace of life.
Who is at risk for dementia? What symptoms to pay attention to?
At risk are people whose life is associated with a lot of stress, with heavy mental work, with work involving memory and / or concentration. The earlier the dementia is manifested, the more difficult it is to treat it, and the more rapidly it develops. It is worth paying special attention if you or your loved ones have difficulty remembering and memory lapses. If there are regular problems and difficulty concentrating. Pay attention to fatigue and nervous conditions. And, of course, distracted attention. Of course. Each individual symptom in itself does not signal serious problems. However, if any of the above symptoms combine together and show systematically - you should pay special attention to health and check to the recommendations of doctors.
What are the methods of preventing dementia? Recommendations of doctors.
Pay attention to your health. You pass medical examination and professional examinations, not avoiding and not postponing them. Take vitamins E and B12, eat more fresh vegetables, nuts and fish (at least frozen). Train your brain - after work you will be very tired, and there is a great desire to just fall on the sofa and watch TV, but you should not. Diversify your leisure time - watch intellectual shows, take a crossword puzzle or just read the encyclopaedia at least 10-20 minutes a day. This will be quite enough for the prevention of degenerative phenomena of brain structures.
What drugs contribute to the prevention and treatment of dementia?
Experts first of all recommend to pay attention to Gammalon - a specialized drug for the normalization of the brain from Japan. He effectively copes with senile dementia. The basic effects of Gammalon include:
- revitalization of brain cells and medulla
- normalization of the nutrition of brain structures
- ensuring the normalization of cerebral tissue metabolism
- tonic effect on the central nervous system
- normalization of brain activity and bringing it to age standards.
It is important to catch the initial stages of the disease in time, so aka with neglected conditions can do little to help. Also pay attention to Gammalon Express - a lower dosage, but quite sufficient to support and prevent the degenerative effects of the cerebral zone.