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General information on Biobran Immunomodulator medicine.
Dosage and administration: The recommended daily intake should be 30-45 mg / kg / day (3.2 g daily), maximum efficiency at lower activity of natural killer cells (NK-cells) is usually achieved after 1-2 months, then it is possible to reduce the dose ofsupports 15 mg / kg / day (1 g daily). recommended dose of not less than 500 mg daily for general health maintenance. In diabetes, as well as hepatitis B and C and other infections are advised to take 1000 mg per day, and in cancer and AIDS - 3 g per day for two months, followed by transfer to 1 g per day.
How to take: Biobran should be taken 30 min after a meal, daily dose should be divided into three portions and taken after breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Precautions and contraindications: Immunosuppressive therapy, poor digestibility, celiac disease, intolerance to arabinose and xylose. Due to the use of immunomodulatory effects in autoimmune diseases requires caution.
Active ingredient: arabinoxylan. Containing 250 mg arabinoxylan packed in blister 50 tablets per pack.
Positive effects are observed in the following cases:
- When liver enzymes are destroyed due to hepatitis (NK cells destroy cells affected by the hepatitis virus) or under the influence of certain toxic substances (antioxidant action),
- In case of chronic fatigue after viral diseases (with the possible elimination of cells affected by EBV or cytomegalovirus) and in HIV infection.
- With recurrent viral infections with intercellular viral persistence such as Herpes simples, Herpes zoster, EBV, you can try to spend a 2-month course of treatment, if treatment with other drugs does not give the desired results.
- When allergic reactions inhibits mast cell degranulation, reducing the symptoms of allergies.
Indications for use of Bibran from Japan
The main indication for use of Biobran is the treatment of patients with metastatic tumors before, during, and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Can significantly reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, while the application, improving the quality of life of patients (reduction of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss prevention, increased appetite, mood, health, normalization of sleep). The most effective in treating leukemia and multiple myeloma, and lymphomas, prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Used as a means to maintain the general health and helps strengthen the immune system by increasing the activity of leukocytes. The positive effect is also seen in the destruction of liver enzymes due to hepatitis B (NK-cells destroy the cells infected with hepatitis B virus), or under the influence of certain toxic substances (antioxidant effect), in chronic fatigue after viral infections (with the possible elimination of infected EBV and CMV cells) and HIV nfektsii. When recurrent viral infections with intracellular viral persistence such as Herpes simples, Herpes zoster, EBV can try to hold 2-month course of the reception, if treatment with other drugs does not give the desired results. In allergic reactions inhibits degranulation of mast cells, reducing the symptoms of allergy. It has the ability to improve glucose tolerance, a positive effect on the course of diabetes, although it is not a substitute for insulin. Biobran helps to prevent a number of diseases in healthy humans (flu, bacterial, viral diseases seasonal), reduce the risk of cancer and allergic reactions, speed recovery already ill, to maintain health by strengthening the immune system.
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Biobran: Japanese immunomodulator.